Monday, May 12, 2008

Bad Weather Blues

Last week I started running again. I am training to run a 5K -- not a specific one, necessarily, but I am following this awesome training program called the "Couch to 5K Program." It takes 9 weeks, and you can basically go from not running at all, to running about 3 miles a day. I've been really excited to start training, but it's really challenging and so I've struggled to stay motivated. So, seeing as I was all geared up to get out and run this morning, I was naturally frustrated when Colby didn't want me to go. Not a huge, deal, though -- he had to leave for a doctor’s appointment. As soon as he was gone, I put on my shoes and headed out the door, only to find that it was hailing. DANG it! The hail continued for probably 30 minutes then turned into rain. I’m still hoping it’ll let up soon so I can slip Colby some Benadryl and sneak out to run while he is fast asleep. In the meantime, I’m feeling a little bit bored. My apartment is basically spotless because I scrubbed it down last week. Our water might get turned off temporarily due to construction on our street, so I can’t shower, do laundry, or load the dishwasher. My mother-in-law called me, but only to get a phone number. So, I guess you could say I’ve got the “Bad Weather blues.” I would sing them, but I don’t have a piano…

To occupy myself, I’ve decided to work on some quilt blocks. My Relief Society has these focus groups, and Sister Goodman has been begging me to come to her quilting group ever since she learned I made my mom a quilt for Christmas. I was finally able to go last week, and am excited to participate. But, since they do a new block each month, I’m already several blocks behind. And of course, being me, I decided that 12 blocks won’t make a big enough quilt to be useful. Since I don’t have enough projects already, why don’t I make two of each and turn it into a queen-size quilt for my bedroom? I am actually really excited to do this. I found some fabrics that I really love, and I’ll be stretching the project out over the year. Of course, I still wonder why I do this to myself. Still, the quilt blocks they’ve chosen for the focus group are WAY easier than the Double Wedding Ring I made Mom, so it shouldn’t be too hard. I finished four blocks this morning already, so I just have four more to get caught up. Here are the ones I’ve done. The two on the left are called "Album," and the two on the right are called, "Balkan Puzzle."

My favorite "Album" block....

...and my favorite "Balkan Puzzle."

I am a little scared to get too "into" the whole quilting thing -- I already have too many irons in the proverbial fire. However, I think I will have fun with this. I'll finally have exactly what I want to finish my bedroom (I've been on a real decorating kick lately), and I'll get to know some of the other ladies in my ward. Hopefully it'll keep me from going crazy while I'm stuck inside on rainy days like today, too...


Kristen said...

Hey! I am training to run a half marathon in September and have started out first by training to run a 5k. I should have done the couch one you found, cuz I hadn't run in years! I did find some other training schedules on line though and put them on my fridge so I can cross each day out as I go. (my hubby doesn't always want me to go either, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!) Maybe we can get them to go running with us! Running makes me feel so happy! Good luck with your training!

Lauryl said...

Rachel and Colby! Hello friends! I'm home and embarrassed at how unupdated my blog is, but you can totally contact me on it. Good luck with your training!

Angie said...

way to go on training! that is awesome. and I think posting about it on your blog is a good way to stay motivated! I'll be cheering you on! maybe you can get colby to come with you...? who knows, some fresh air and exercise might be just what he needs. :) love ya rach.