Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Loan Side... not the same as "the Dark Side," though sometimes I am just as scared of it. I recently became a loan interviewer for America First Credit Union; though I am really excited, it is definitely out of my comfort zone. I've been a teller for almost two years, and though I may still sometimes get to do that, I think I will miss it. Friday was my first day off the teller line -- I spent the whole day in the loan office! It was a slow day, but both of the members I helped seemed confident that I knew what I was talking about. :)

After we closed for the night, I put Vanessa to work with my cell phone and her exceptional photography skills to help me commemorate this exciting day...

"You'd like to apply for a loan? I can help you!"

"Would you prefer the fixed or variable rate?"

"I'll need to see verification of income..."

Don't I look official? I'll be even more official after I finish my two-week mortgage training, which starts tomorrow (*gulp*). If my brain doesn't explode, I'll be a lot more knowledgeable -- look at me go!

1 comment:

Christine said...

oh, finance...isn't it great?