Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So, What Else is New?

I'm sick of school.

The End.


Colette said...

Amen, sista

Lauryl said...

Hey, I'm not really sick of school, but I sure am not here. I've been the biggest space cadet. I can relate.

Unknown said...

I totally agree. I love the new look! Way cute!

Angie said...

ME TOO. Can't take it.

Be You Movies said...

Okay, I love your new background. It is SO pretty. You are too much!

Christine said...

i like school...except the tests. and pharm. and scary clinic instructors. and staying late to do injections. and the thought of forking out over $1200 in december. and the stress of finding a clinical boards patient. and riding the bus to save money. and not being able to afford loupes when they are amazing. and studying for written boards. and trying to find a new patient when your patient cancels. and trying to complete requirements. and trying to communicate with someone who doesn't speak english.

...oh, school.

Emily said...

Ha ha! I am not in school! Sucker! Well, I actually think it is super cool that you are in school and I bet you will even miss it when it is over, smartypants!

Colette said...

Rach, now that I am awake enough to look at you blog... yes, I love the new background and pics! so cute!